Ruhiyyih Rabbani
by the
Who shouted at the Hands, scolding them, shaking her finger at them, hammering the table with clenched fist and threatened to commit suicide or abandon the Baha’i Administration, in case if the Second Guardian is appointed?
She was nobody else than Ruhiyyih Rabbani programmed by Persian Hands to abandon the Guardianship. While the other Hands were to revolt at her behavior, the Persian Hands kept their heads down and said “Bally Bally” Yes.Yes.
“When Ruhiyyih Rabbani made her statement at Kampala International Conference about abandoning the Guardianship, the Persian Hands criticized her and felt this statement to have been a most untimely declaration upon her part.
Says Mason Remey:
"These are the Custodian (Persian Hands) who are so trusted by Baha’i world, playing a double game as it were to deceive the Baha’is.”
“I am much concerned about the future of Ruhiyyih Khanum’s career as a Baha’i because I know that this Cause of God is going to live and to prosper and since this is to be true there must needs be the continuation of the Guardianship. In other words, the Cause is, I believe, destined to be continued and this will mean that sooner or later, Ruhiyyih Khanum, like all the rest of the believers will come under his command and this will be a supreme test for her especially should the second Guardian of the Baha’i Faith have a wife to take the position of the First Lady of the Faith!”
“Ruhiyyih Khanum and the Persian Hands are of the fixed intention that the Guardianship is Bada or was definitely ended for this Dispensation of one thousand years with the death of Shoghi Effendi. Of course, they do not say this openly to the world, nevertheless this conviction constantly shows itself in things they say and advocate and things they do. Leroy Loas seems to feel at times that the Guardianship should not thus be scrapped, but he stands firmly for the 1963 program. Milly Collins and Paul Haney seem to be bewildered upon this point - they feel that it will come out somehow by the Grace of God, but which way and how they have no idea.”
“Yesterday morning there was such a scene that Leroy was so upset that he refused to be at the prayer meeting that afternoon at the Shrine. Ruhiyyih Khanum, who was so near to Shoghi Effendi for so many years of their married life, takes command of all matters dictating to the others, assuming that she knows exactly what the Guardian would have done under circumstances such as these that confront us; therefore, she in no uncertain terms lays down the law to us shaking her finger at us and often shouting at us giving emphasis to what she is saying by hammering the table before her with clenched fist (as yet she has not come to the point of shaking her fist at any of us). Leroy rebels at this - the Persians all take it. 1 don’t get what Paul Haney thinks - I laugh up my sleeve, at the same time fearful of what may happen to Ruhiyyih Khanum should a second Guardian appear upon this scene?”
“Ruhiyyih Khanum frequently threatens to commit suicide if she can’t have her way. I am afraid she may do so sometime in one of her tantrums but Milly (Collins) says there is no danger of her killing herself - that this is but a tantrum -but from my one experience in my own life such tantrums can end in dire tragedy. Leroy thinks that Ruhiyyih may snap and have to be put in an asylum. I feel that it is more likely that this condition may send him and not Ruhiyyih Khanum to the asylum. The Hands of the Faith should not expect harmony in the Baha’i World at large until they-the twenty-seven of us - are at harmony between ourselves.”
..."The Persian Baha’is do not want a Guardian to continue to rule the Faith. Neither does Ruhiyyih Khanum want the Guardianship to continue, for she would not like at all for herself to be second to another Guardian of the Faith, particularly if he should have a wife which if he had, his wife would be the First Lady of the Baha’i Faith Administration with Ruhiyyih Khanum then as the Dowager Lady of the Faith."
"One cannot help but feel such problems as these would be a most powerful incentive in Ruhiyyih Khanum’s life to weigh against her wanting any continuance of the Guardianship for now she is the ruling power in the Cause. She dictates practically everything. She has no intention of allowing the Guardianship to be continued and to suit her own wishes, she insists that there shall never be another Guardian and as she stated to me in a meeting of the Custodians: “Then after her no one would ever live in the Guardian’s house in Haifa.”
"Ruhiyyih Khanum at all times and upon all matters dictates to us (the Custodian Hands) as if she were still the link or channel for contact between the Guardian and us, the Hands, actually shaking her finger at us and occasionally striking with hand at the table before her. Occasionally Leroy Laos flies off the handle and there is a great flare up but then this quiets down and in the end she dominates the situation despite the fact that she is but one Hand of the several Custodian Hands. In other words, Ruhiyyih Khanum has assumed the direction of things and in a very scolding and an out-of-patience tone of voice that in itself is an indication that things are not the way they should be within her own psychology."
"All (this) resolves itself down to the fact that the Cause needs the institution of the Guardianship to carry it on and will suffer and go to pieces unless we have a Guardian and end this confused state of leadership that Ruhiyyih Khanum and the Persian Hands have thrust us into and so far have dominated the Hands with."
"During the discussion someone suggested that possibly Hermann thought that the Universal House of Justice might re-establish the Guardianship. Whereupon Ruhiyyih Khanum said that she was unalterably opposed to our having another Guardian and that if there were ever one appointed, that she would abandon Haifa and the Baha’i Administration and take herself somewhere up in the wilds of Tibet, there to hide herself from all Baha’is!"
"While for some time it has been quite clear that such was Ruhiyyih Khanum’s attitude toward the Guardianship, this which said to us today tells us in plain language, not to be misunderstood exactly how she feels - in other words, she does not want the continuation of the Guardianship and threatens to walk out upon the Guardianship if it ever be established! In reality, Ruhiyyih Khanum is the dictator of the Custodian Hands in the Holy Land. In one of her addresses before the Kampala Conferences, now over a year ago, she announced that the Guardianship was definitely closed and ended. In a subsequent meeting of the Custodians here, she made the definite statement that after her present tenure of the Guardian’s house (at 7 Persian Street, Haifa) that no one would ever be in residence there (after her present tenure of those premises)."
"When faced by someone who quoted her Kampala statement (here some weeks ago) she said that she had spoken in Kampala at (the Intercontinental Conference) without thinking and had she thought over the matter, she would not have made such an announcement. The Custodians felt this statement to have been a most untimely declaration upon her part. Thus are these Custodian Hands, who are so trusted by the Baha’i world, playing a double game, as it were, to deceive the Baha’is..."
Dear Baha’i friend,
These are some excerpts from the diary of beloved Charles Mason Remey the second Guardian of the Baha’i Faith. If you want to know more about what happened after the death of the beloved Guardian Shoghi Effendi and how Ruhiyyih Rabbani was made to fall in the conspiracy hatched by Persian Hands of Cause, please read the
Diary of Mason Remy
Unanswered letters
Of the
Third Guardian
Ruhiyyih Rabbani.
Once the truth is clear please do not hesitate to identify yourself with the Orthodox Baha’i Faith and come under the Guidance of beloved third Guardian Joel B. Marangella whose efforts have brought the True Faith of Baha’u’llah to different parts of the world.