While Shoghi Effendi was alive on Earth, most Bahá'ís would have been horrified at the very thought of contradicting him. How very strange, even astonishing, that today most women and men claiming to be Bahá'ís routinely contradict very many of Shoghi Effendi's teachings and evidently feel no qualms while doing so.
Consider the following quotes from the official teaching of Shoghi Effendi, for example, in which he clearly states that future generations will, without doubt, "define with accuracy and minuteness the features and to analyze exhaustively the nature of the relationships which, on the one hand, bind together..." the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice.
"No doubt", he officially wrote, in his Spiritual Testament, the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh, and yet most Bahá'ís today not only contradict the first Guardian's expression by their support of the entity on Mt. Carmel which by its teaching ventures far beyond denying the validity of Shoghi Effendi's expression "no doubt", even to the extent of teaching that there does not even exist that relationship between the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice concerning which Shoghi Effendi officially made the "no doubt" statement.
Simultaneously, most who claim to be Bahá'ís, therefore are contradicting/ denying all of these teachings of Shoghi Effendi on that theme by which he taught that future generations will:
"define with accuracy and minuteness the features"
"analyze exhaustively the nature of the relationships"
"which...bind together these two fundamental organs of the Will of 'Abdu¹l-Bahá "
"and connect, on the other, each of them to the Author of the Faith and the Center of His Covenant"
In stark contradiction of Shoghi Effendi, the entity on Mt. Carmel at the time of this writing is teaching that there does not exist such relationships as those of which he wrote such that those relationships could be defined, either accurately or inaccurately, or which could be analyzed either exhaustively or superficially.
In stark contradiction to his writing, that same administrative entity currently on Mt. Carmel opposes Shoghi Effendi by teaching that there do not even exist any such "two fundamental organs of the Will of 'Abdu¹l-Bahá" of which the first Guardian officially wrote.
In stark contradiction of the teaching of Shoghi Effendi, quoted below, the administrative entity dwelling on Mt. Carmel teaches that there does not even exist such an Institution as the Guardianship which could be connected "to the Author of the Faith and the Center of His Covenant."
Here follows the official teaching of the first Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, Shoghi Effendi, whose teachings all true Bahá'ís believe, honor and never contradict:
"An attempt, I feel, should at the present juncture be made to explain the character and functions of the twin pillars that support this mighty Administrative Structure the institutions of the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice. . . . To define with accuracy and minuteness the features and to analyze exhaustively the nature of the relationships which, on the one hand, bind together these two fundamental organs of the Will of 'Abdu¹l-Bahá and connect, on the other, each of them to the Author of the Faith and the Center of His Covenant is a task which future generations will no doubt adequately fulfill."
"It should be stated, at the very outset, in clear and unambiguous language, that these twin institutions of the Administrative Order of Bahá¹u¹lláh should be regarded as divine in origin, essential in their functions and complimentary in their aim and purpose . . . Acting in conjunction with each other these two inseparable institutions administer its affairs, coordinate its activities, promote its interests, execute its laws and defend its subsidiary institutions. Severally, each operates within a clearly defined sphere of jurisdiction...."
The website of the living Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith:
By Hand of Cause Ross Campbell