The Month of Splendor (Bahá) is the nineteen day period beginning March 21.
“Give a hearing ear, O people, to that which I, in truth, say unto you. The one true God, exalted be His glory, hath ever regarded, and will continue to regard, the hearts of men as His own, His exclusive possession. All else, whether pertaining to land or sea, whether riches or glory, He hath bequeathed unto the Kings and rulers of the earth. From the beginning that hath no beginning the ensign proclaiming the words "He doeth whatsoever He willeth" hath been unfurled in all its splendor before His Manifestation. What mankind needeth in this day is obedience unto them that are in authority, and a faithful adherence to the cord of wisdom. The instruments which are essential to the immediate protection, the security and assurance of the human race have been entrusted to the hands, and lie in the grasp, of the governors of human society. This is the wish of God and His decree.... We cherish the hope that one of the kings of the earth will, for the sake of God, arise for the triumph of this wronged, this oppressed people. Such a king will be eternally extolled and glorified. God hath prescribed unto this people the duty of aiding whosoever will aid them, of serving his best interests, and of demonstrating to him their abiding loyalty. They who follow Me must strive, under all circumstances, to promote the welfare of whosoever will arise for the triumph of My Cause, and must at all times prove their devotion and fidelity unto him. Happy is the man that hearkeneth and observeth My counsel. Woe unto him that faileth to fulfil My wish.”
-- Bahá'u'lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 206-207
As attested in the above paragraph, the unfurling of God’s incomprehensible Splendor was not an attempt for Him to regale in His own importance, nor to exalt His creation. He very graciously bequeathed to the Kings and rulers of the earth the power and responsibility of governing the vast resources of this planet both human and material, whether of the land or the sea. And then He admonished that humans be obedient to those in authority, and to show faithful adherence to the cord of wisdom.
The more remarkable aspect of that paragraph is that He “…hath ever regarded, and will continue to regard, the hearts of men as His own, His exclusive possession.” Dare I suggest that therein lies the dilemma facing every person who has ever lived? Regardless of the degree of worship of countless billions over the centuries, Bahá'u'lláh’s emphasis that the human heart is the only worldly possession that He expects as His own presents a more closely defined expectation than ever before. For even Bahá'ís may not be fully aware of the degree of importance that their demeanor has toward their relationship with God in this Day, if they have not accepted that particular statement in “Gleanings.”
This is the month of Splendor. When one thinks of the splendors that God has unfurled in His creation, the mind boggles; the beauty of a sunset, the brilliant array of a rainbow, the eerie mystery and dazzle of the aurora borealis, the beauty and limitlessness of the universe, particularly now with the images sent back to earth from space exploration. Considering that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are infinitesimal numbers of what may considered splendor through the eyes of billions. Splendor is everywhere.
Is it significant that the above paragraph addresses the hearts of men before mentioning His splendors? Probably. That one paragraph may put the reality of this life in perspective better than any other. Then, after referring to His splendors, He quickly delegates all the operational activity required of that enterprise to the kings of the earth, and remands humanity to follow with obedience the (just) rulers. But in proclaiming the hearts of men to be His own, He does not allow humans to get off that easily, considering how difficult it is for any of us to control our own hearts. Admittedly, that is the more onerous task.
Human hearts. That’s all He wants.
And therein lies the dilemma. Countless billions do not have a clue. Countless billions consider all the splendors of the world, and probably feel that God wants nothing more than to regale in the natural beauty of this earth. Oh! How much easier it would be if that were the case. No, He wants our hearts for Himself. The problem is that the only way He can gain access to our hearts is for us to prepare ourselves by studying His teachings and following His Covenant. If we never do that, we will never know the joy of His entering our hearts. If we ignore our fellow man and consider our own selfish needs paramount, then the game is over before it begins.
God is standing at the ready to take our hearts as His exclusive possession, but only on His terms. If we do nothing to prepare ourselves for His descent into our hearts, then at the appointed hour He may quietly pass by to occupy the heart of our neighbor. The scriptures have for evermore bade us to do unto others as we would have them do unto ourselves. Building upon the love from that attitude will no doubt go a long way toward His descent into our hearts in order that we may fully realize His splendors. We must continually practice our unfailing love for others.
Hand of the Cause David Maxwell