Spirituality can be considered as the opposite pole to materialism which is the source of greed and selfishness.
“Man is in the highest degree of materiality, and at the beginning of spirituality—that is to say, he is the end of imperfection and the beginning of perfection. He is at the last degree of darkness, and at the beginning of light; that is why it has been said that the condition of man is the end of the night and the beginning of day, meaning that he is the sum of all the degrees of imperfection, and that he possesses the degrees of perfection. He has the animal side as well as the angelic side, and the aim of an educator is to so train human souls that their angelic aspect may overcome their animal side. Then if the divine power in man, which is his essential perfection, overcomes the satanic power, which is absolute imperfection, he becomes the most excellent among the creatures; but if the satanic power overcomes the divine power, he becomes the lowest of the creatures. That is why he is the end of imperfection and the beginning of perfection.”
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p 235
Spirituality is when we do something that causes our spirit to develop. We are in this world so that our spirit will evolve from the human spirit into the heavenly spirit (spirit of faith).
The human spirit can and should develop enough to receive the heavenly spirit. This spiritual level is the beginning of the spiritual level of the Prophets and the Guardians. All people can reach this spiritual level. This (heavenly spirit or spirit of faith) is given to the faithful believers by the Holy Spirit.
“As to the fourth degree of spirit, it is the heavenly spirit, which is the spirit of faith and the outpouring grace of the All-Merciful. This spirit proceeds from the breath of the Holy Spirit, and through a power born of God it becomes the cause of everlasting life. It is that power which makes the earthly soul heavenly and the imperfect man perfect. It cleanses the impure, unlooses the tongue of the silent, sanctifies the bondslaves of passion and desire, and confers knowledge upon the ignorant.”
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions-chapter 36
“It has been before explained that spirit is universally divided into five categories: the vegetable spirit, the animal spirit, the human spirit, the spirit of faith, and the Holy Spirit.”
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith, (‘Abdu’l-Bahá section)
We should know what the good deeds are that lead to our spiritual development.
In this world our spirit may evolve to a heavenly spirit by obedience to the Manifestation of God and performing His Commandments, Bahá’u’lláh commands:
- The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. It behooveth everyone who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. These twin duties are inseparable. Neither is acceptable without the other. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Source of Divine inspiration.
To follow Bahá’í regulations or Commandments as much as possible, to be guided in our lives by the 12 Bahá’í principles, and to love and to help other people can develop our spirit further.
But every development is also connected with trials and tests. Only when you pass these tests will you develop spiritually from one level to another.
O my Lord!
Thou knowest that the people are encircled with pain and calamities and are environed with hardships and trouble. Every trial doth attack man and every dire adversity doth assail him like unto the assault of a serpent. There is no shelter and asylum for him except under the wing of Thy protection, preservation, guard and custody.
O Thou the Merciful One! O my Lord! Make Thy protection my armory, Thy preservation my shield, humbleness before the door of Thy Oneness my guard, and Thy custody and defense my fortress and abode. Preserve me from the suggestions of myself and desire, and guard me from every sickness, trial, difficulty and ordeal.
Verily, Thou art the Protector, the Guardian, the Preserver, the Sufficer, and verily, Thou art the Merciful of the Most Merciful!
Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás, p. 619
“O thou child of the Kingdom and firm in the Covenant . . .”
“Therefore, there is no doubt but that you will become afflicted with trial, calamity and oppression in the path of the Beauty of Abha. These trials are the essence of bestowal and pure bounty and the proofs of your acceptance in the Threshold of Oneness.”
Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás, p. 360
One of the most important tests has always been with steadfastness to God's Covenant.
“The first condition is firmness in the Covenant of God. For the power of the Covenant will protect the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh from the doubts of the people of error. It is the fortified fortress of the Cause of God and the firm pillar of the religion of God. Today no power can conserve the oneness of the Bahá’í world save the Covenant of God; otherwise, differences like unto a most great tempest will encompass the Bahá’í world. It is evident that the axis of the oneness of the world of humanity is the power of the Covenant and nothing else. Had the Covenant not come to pass, had it not been revealed from the Supreme Pen and had not the Book of the Covenant, like unto the ray of the Sun of Reality, illuminated the world, the forces of the Cause of God would have been utterly scattered and certain souls who were the prisoners of their own passions and lusts would have taken into their hands an axe, cutting the root of this Blessed Tree. Every person would have pushed forward his own desire and every individual aired his own opinion! Notwithstanding this great Covenant, a few negligent souls galloped with their chargers into the battlefield, thinking perchance they might be able to weaken the foundation of the Cause of God: but praise be to God all of them were afflicted with regret and loss, and erelong they shall see themselves in poignant despair. Therefore, in the beginning the believers must make their steps firm in the Covenant so that the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh may encircle them from all sides, the cohorts of the Supreme Concourse may become their supporters and helpers, and the exhortations and advices of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, like unto the pictures engraved on stone, may remain permanent and ineffaceable in the tablets of all hearts.”
‘Abdu’l-Bahá - Tablets of the Divine Plan, p. 51-52
“There are none who waver in the East, none who oppose the Covenant of God. There is not a single soul among the Bahá’ís in Persia who is opposed to the Covenant. They are all steadfast. If any soul wishes to speak in this Cause, they will ask, “Is this a word of your own, or is it by the authority of the Center of the Covenant? If you have the authority of the Center of the Covenant, produce it. Where is the letter from Him? Where is His signature?” If he produces the letter, they will accept it. If he fails to do so, they say, “We cannot accept your words because they emanate from you only and return to you. We have no command from the Blessed Perfection, Bahá’u’lláh, to obey you. He has revealed a Book in which He has covenanted with us to obey an appointed Center of the Covenant. He has not covenanted with us to obey you. Therefore, the statement you make is rejected. You must furnish proof of your authority and sanction. We are commanded to turn to one Center. We do not obey various centers. The Blessed Perfection has made a Covenant with us, and we are holding to this Covenant and Testament. We do not listen to anything else, for people may arise who speak words of their own, and we are commanded not to pay attention to them.”
‘Abdu’l-Bahá -The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 385
It was asked whether we can call meditation, yoga and suchlike as spirituality? Can we become more spiritual as a result of these practices?
We have previously explained what leads to a direct development of the Spirit.
We cannot call or regard “meditation, yoga and suchlike” as spirituality.
However, in order to achieve spiritual development, we need a healthy body as well as a healthy psyche. Some sports are good for our bodies and some are good for the psyche and some for both, (like meditation, yoga and suchlike).
Everything that can lead to a healthier life has an indirect influence on our spiritual life.
As we know, in a healthy state we can think better and help people better. I wish everyone good health and spirituality.
Ali Sabeti